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adult fruitless pSG1 lineage clone [FBbt_00111159] Nervous system Clone Adult
Alternative Names
- has_exact_synonym: pSG1 clone (Yu et al., 2010)
- has_broad_synonym: fru-SG clone (Lee et al., 2000)
- neuroblast lineage clone Nervous system
- is part of adult subesophageal zone Nervous system Adult
- expresses fru Gene
A clone of neurons in the adult brain that expresses fruitless, whose cell bodies are located at the ventral midline. A neurite projects anteriorly and dorsally towards the anterior esophageal foramen.
These clones were obtained by FLP recombinase, combining a fru[FLP] allele (FBal0248671) and several GAL4 drivers whose expression includes subsets of fruitless neurons (Yu et al., 2010).
(Yu et al., 2010)
These clones were obtained by FLP recombinase, combining a fru[FLP] allele (FBal0248671) and several GAL4 drivers whose expression includes subsets of fruitless neurons (Yu et al., 2010).
(Yu et al., 2010)